
Issue Title
Vol 5, No 2 (2021): International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education Somatic distress, mental health and psychological resilience among cancer patients during the Covid-19 pandemic Abstract  PDF
Eser Sağaltıcı, Özcan Sönmez, Ebru Karcı, Şengül Kocamer Şahin, Arzu Erturk
Vol 3, No 2 (2019): International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education The Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach Using a Group Setting to Overcome Anxiety of Students Facing Examinations Abstract  PDF
Misdeni Misdeni, Syahniar Syahniar, Marjohan Marjohan
Vol 5, No 2 (2021): International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education Depression, anxiety, and stress among first-year students and undergraduate students during the Covid-19 pandemic Abstract  PDF
Nurmina Nurmina, Fitri Fahrianti, Meri Haryani, Hera Wahyuni
Vol 5, No 2 (2021): International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education Students' Anxiety In Writing Scientific Work Abstract  PDF
Yuda Syahputra, Sisca Folastri, Hayu Stevani, Maria Oktasari, Solihatun Solihatun, Stefanus Soejanto Sandjaja, Lira Erwinda
Vol 7, No 1 (2023): International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education Depressive and anxiety symptoms among Nigerian rural women diagnosed with cervical cancer Abstract  PDF
Osita Victor Ossai
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