The role of grit on entrepreneurial commitment to young entrepreneurs with social support as a moderating variable
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- December 30, 2022
Entrepreneurial Commitment, Grit, Social Support, Young EntrepreneursAbstract
Fighting for business is not easy. It takes a high commitment in carrying it out. Unfortunately, young entrepreneurs in Indonesia find it difficult to maintain their commitments, especially when businesses are down. This study aims to investigate the association between grit and entrepreneurial commitment, with social support serving as a moderator.Data were collected through an online survey of young entrepreneurs (N = 72), defined as entrepreneurs under 30 years old who established their businesses in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) regions and elsewhere. The Grit Scale, the Entrepreneurial Commitment Scale, and the Social Support Scale were used to measure the variables. Data were analyzed using the Hayes PROCESS macro in SPSS and the moderation model. The results showed that social support positively impacted grit and entrepreneurial commitment. Young entrepreneurs must build their grit and strengthen their social relations to be more committed to growing their business.
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