Testing the efficacy of Blended Rational Emotive Occupational Health Coaching in the treatment of Occupational Stress in Teachers of Children with Autism
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- October 2, 2024
Rational emotive occupational health coaching; job-stress, children with autism, teachersAbstract
Stress is among the high ranked work-related injury all over the world, and has become almost general among the Nigerian workforce. Teachers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), face enormous work-related threats leading to occupational stress. When teachers are stressed, the children's functional development and entire educational outcomes are at risk. As a result, managing occupational stress is particularly important in teachers of children with autism as such is among the sure way of improving developmental and educational outcomes in the children. This study looked at the effectiveness of blended Rational Emotive Occupational Health Coaching (bREOHC) in lowering occupational stress among teachers of children with ASD. Teachers of children with ASD having at least one year of experience were among the participants (N=89). Participants were divided into two groups: bREOHC (N=44) and waitlist (N=45). For 12 weeks, the bREOHC group engaged in a 2 hour intersession face-to-face and online REOHC program. The Single Item Stress Questionnaire (SISQ), Teachers' Stress Inventory, and Participants' Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ) are the three measures used. Four sets of data were collected at baseline, post-test, and follow-up 1 and 2 evaluations, and were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, t-test statistics, repeated measures ANOVA, and bar charts. When comparison to the waitlisted group, the TSI scores of the bREOHC group reduced significantly at post-test (Time 2) and follow-up evaluations (Time 3 and 4) (Effect size 2 =.72;.71; and.81, respectively). Between pre, post, and follow-up 1 and 2 measurements, there were no significant differences in occupational stress index sores. Participants were also quite thrilled with the intervention method. Instructors of children with ASD found bREOHC to be helpful in lowering stress.
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