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  3. I Gusti Agung Ayu Wulandari

Self-Instructional Module: From Guided to Independent

  • Abstract Views: 22
  • September 29, 2024
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Learning at the Higher Education level requires experience in using learning-based electronics. The development of online learning mode gives lecturers, as educators, a chance to provide learning media forms using module electronics. An effort carried out by lecturers of the Primary Teacher Education Study Program from the Faculty of Science Education, Ganesha University of Education, to maximize learning without the lecturer must learn to stare face. The usual IPS Basic Concepts and the use of E-Module has many features. For increased user involvement, students still need the class to control them. Self-Instructional Module is an electronic module that is designed with various features so that it can support students in learning independently. Before using the Self-Instructional Module, the class needs to measure eligibility from the terms: (1) content (substance) by three expert IPS lecturers: (2) media by three expert lecturers, technology education: (3) language by three experts language lecturer. Besides appropriateness, Self-Instructional Module has also tested its practicality with the comparison process in the classes studied using the usual E-Module with the class that used Self-Instructional Module. The t-test results stated a difference in practicality between students studying using Self-Instructional Module and students studying using a regular E-Module. The conclusion shows if Self-Instructional Module is effective for students to practice independence and pay attention to the requirements of excellent Self-Instructional Modules consisting of; (1) the clear hint in every study activity; (2) the exposure material should be interactive; (3) there must be used passing grade for every study activity.


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