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  3. Novra Arina

Development of Adaptive Learning E-Modules in basic mathematics for slow learners at vocational high schools

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  • January 4, 2024
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E-modul, adaptif learning, slow learner


This study focuses on the development of an E-Module to measure its impact on slow learners at vocational school in Padang, West Sumatra. The research involved 6 slow learner students, utilizing a quantitative approach with a 5-point Likert rating questionnaire. The ASSURE model was employed to analyze the characteristics of each slow learner. The research findings indicate that the practicality level of the E-Module reached 95.87% according to student responses and 96% according to teacher responses, demonstrating the ease of use of the E-Module. Based on the ANOVA test results using Excel, a P-Value of 0.001954 was obtained (p < 0.05), indicating a significant difference in the basic mathematics abilities of the students. This study confirms the validity and reliability of the measurement instrument, indicating that the adaptive learning E-Module has a positive impact on supporting the learning of slow learners.

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