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  3. Indani Durrotul Aini

Correlational study on self-compassion and college adjustment among university freshmen during distance learning

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  • December 31, 2021
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College adjustment; Distance learning; First-year college student; Pandemic Covid-19; Self-compassion


When entering college, first-year students faced new challenges. College adjustment is necessary in the early period of college because it can predict college success. Covid-19 pandemic hinders college adjustment due to distance learning. Meanwhile, a previous study conceptually mentioned that self-compassion supported college adjustment. This study examined the correlation between self-compassion and college adjustment among first-year college students in distance learning during Covid-19 pandemic. Undergraduate students batch 2020 (N = 381) were surveyed using Self-Compassion Scale and Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire. Pearson’s correlation test showed a positive significant correlation between self-compassion and college adjustment. The strongest correlation was found between isolation and personal-emotional adjustment. These findings indicated that self-compassion tends to help a better college adjustment in a distance learning context.

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