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  2. Vol 8, No 2 (2024)
  3. Febri Wandha Putra

Increasing Cyberbullying Awareness through Cognitive Behavior-Based Spiritual Counseling to Reduce Cyberbullying Behavior: Systematic Review

  • Abstract Views: 181
  • December 8, 2024
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Cyberbullying, Cyberbullying Awareness, Counseling Spiritual, Cognitive Behavior


The development of information technology not only has a positive impact but also has a negative impact. One of the negative impacts is the increasing phenomenon of cyberbullying today. Cyberbullying cases occur in almost all countries in the world. Individuals who commit cyberbullying tend to have low self-awareness. Therefore, an effort is needed that can be used to increase cyberbullying awareness. One way is to use cognitive behavioural based spiritual counselling services. This research includes a study of the prevalence of cyberbullying and the aids that can be used in reducing cyberbullying behaviour. Several definitions of cyberbullying have been presented in the literature. In this review, we will discuss how cyberbullying awareness relates to cyberbullying actions. It will also discuss the impact of cognitive behavioural spiritual counselling used to increase cyberbullying awareness. The results from the literature analysis show that using cognitive behaviour-based spiritual counselling is able to increase the cyberbullying awareness of individuals.


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