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  3. Riren Rostari

LKPD Development On MEAs Based-Approach to Improve the Mathematical Representation Ability of Grade X Students

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  • March 29, 2018
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MEAs, LKPD, Representation abylity, Plomp.


LKPD used in school had not been optimal in helping students to improve the mathematical representation ability. It happened because the used LKPD was giving a less opportunity to the students to solve the mathematical representation problems. One of the solutions to do about that problem is to develop LKPD-Modeling Eliciting Activities (MEAs) based approach. The purpose of this study is to produce a valid, practical and effective LKPD-MEAs based approach to improve the students’ mathematical representation. This study is a development research using Plomp model which consists of Preliminary Research, Development or Prototyping and Assessment Phase. The subjects of this study were X grade students of SMAN 3 Padang. The instruments used were LKPD validation sheets, teacher’s response questionnaires, students’ response questionnaires and test. The result of this study is a valid, practical and effective LKPD-MEAs based approach with an average of each is 0,728,  85,39 and 82,41.

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